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【分享】学习American Accent Training(练好口语)

发布日期:2025-01-02 12:27    点击次数:155
我以前用BT下载的,Amazon网站上的买家对它的评价挺高的,作者在英语教学领域也颇有建树,整套教材看起来确有过人之处。原版系列一共是5张CD 加一本书,我找到的是经过MP3抓轨软件处理过的,Mp3压缩率为128kps,音质非常好。为了上传方便,我用goldwave处理了一下,压缩为32kps。我随机听了几个片断,感觉不错,的确是标准的北美语音。主讲人的语速有点快,所以对于听力还是有一点要求的。我个人认为这套教材对于介于初级和中级的英语学习者是非常有用的,那些希望改善自己发音的网友也可以尝试一下。下面这个链接是别人学习的一些经验,大家可以借鉴一下:>——linerzhiqiu下面从introduction开始:Read This FirstWelcome to American Accent Training. This book and CD set is designed to get you started on your American accent. We'll follow the book and go through the 13 lessons and all the exercises step by step. Everything is explained and a complete Answer Key may be found in the back of the text.What Is Accent?Accent is a combination of three main components: intonation (speech music), liaisons (word connections), and pronunciation (the spoken sounds of vowels, consonants, and combinations). As you go along, you'll notice that you're being asked to look at accent in a different way. You'll also realize that the grammar you studied before and this accent you're studying now are completely different.(三要素:音调、连读、发音)Part of the difference is that grammar and vocabulary are systematic and structured— the letter of the language. Accent, on the other hand, is free form, intuitive, and creative— more the spirit of the language. So, thinking of music, feeling, and flow, let your mouth relax into the American accent.(文法是死的,语言才是灵魂) screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" width=555 height=384 title="Click to view full introduction.JPG (555 X 384)" border=0 align=absmiddle>Introduction介绍了本书的结构:分为13章。然后介绍了什么是Accent:intonation(音调)+liaisons(连音)+pronunciation(发音),告诉大家Accent是自由的,创造性的,没有那么多条条框框,呵呵。(记得小时候老师讲的语法,主谓宾定状补。也就是书面的文章按照这个次序,我们说话时有人严格按照这个来吗?)请大家仔细听听主持人发音,由于它是由一位美国播音员主讲的,权威性应当不容置疑,学习的好模板啊。 introduction-1.mp3 (296.12k)大家也可以用goldwave软件,根据波形的变化,感受一下主持人的发音、音调和句子间的连音。 (缩略图,点击图片链接看原图)刚用eMule下载了一个真正文字版的pdf,文字可以复制出来,体积只有2.2MB。美中不足,没有书签。大家可至me...下载。Can I Learn a New Accent?打点气Can a person actually learn a new accent? Many people feel that after a certain age, it's just not possible. Can classical musicians play jazz? If they practice, of course they can!(也就是说If we practive more, we will do it well!) For your American accent, it's just a matter of learning and practicing techniques this book and CD set will teach you. It is up to you to use them or not. How well you do depends mainly on how open and willing you are to sounding different from the way you have sounded all your life.A very important thing you need to remember is that you can use your accent to say what you mean and how you mean it. Word stress conveys meaning through tone or feeling, which can be much more important than the actual words that you use(中文同一读音音调不同可能代表不同的含义,如马和骂,只是三声和四声的区别,但含义完全不同。英文读音不同代表强调的内容不同,见在后面章节中中英文的不同). We'll cover the expression of these feelings through intonation in the first lesson.You may have noticed that I talk fast and often run my words together. You've probably heard enough "English-teacher English"(中式英语)—where ... everything ... is ... pronounced(一个字一个字的蹦出来的) without having to listen too carefully. That's why on the CDs we're going to talk just like the native speakers that we are(自己吹嘘一下,俺的是正宗的,跟俺学吧), in a normal conversational tone.Native speakers may often tell people who are learning English to "slow down" and to "speak clearly."(教我们的外教好像不是这么教的) This is meant with the best of intentions, but it is exactly the opposite of what a student really needs to do. If you speak fairly quickly and with strong intonation, you will be understood more easily. To illustrate this point, you will hear a Vietnamese student(越南女生,印象里好像是矮矮黑黑的) first trying to speak slowly and carefully and then repeating the same words quickly and with strong intonation. Studying, this exercise took her only about two minutes to practice(有点像**的捷径啊), but the difference makes her sound as if she had been in America for many years.V Please listen. You will hear the same words twice. Hello, my name is Muoi. I'm taking American Accent Training.(注意两次的区别:前一次显得很生疏,单词基本是一个个读出来的:后一次比较fluent,仔细听单词间的连读。)You may have to listen to this CD a couple of times to catch everything. To help you, every word on the CD is also written in the book(考虑的比较周到,赞一个). By seeing and hearing simultaneously, you'll learn to reconcile the differences between the appearance of English (spelling) and the sound of English (pronunciation and the other aspects of accent).The CD leaves a rather short pause for you to repeat into. The point of this is to get you responding quickly and without spending too much time thinking about your response. introduction-2.part1.rar (390.63k)附件是mp3文件,打了两个压缩包。今天先学到这里,,俺要 introduction-2.part2.rar (218.36k)magiclyj的教程很精彩,难得的教程遇到热心的战友真可谓一大幸事。pdf在线浏览:liner.xoompages.com/Stu/AAT/American_Accent_Training.pdfAccent versus Pronunciation口音与发音的区别Many people equate accent with pronunciation. I don't feel this to be true at all. America is a big country, and while the pronunciation varies from the East Coast to the West Coast, from the southern to the northern states, two components that are uniquely American stay basically the same—the speech music, or intonation, and the word connections or liaisons. Throughout this program, we will focus on them. In the latter part of the book we will work on pronunciation concepts, such as Cat? Caught? Cut? and Betty Bought a Bit of Better Butter; we also will work our way through some of the difficult sounds, such as TH, the American R, the L, V, and Z.(口音=发音+语调+连读)有人难免会问:哪一种发音最好啊?请看下文:"Which Accent Is Correct?" American Accent Training was created to help people "sound American" for lectures, interviews, teaching, business situations, and general daily communication. Although America has many regional pronunciation differences, the accent you will learn is that of standard American English as spoken and understood by the majority of educated native speakers in the United States. Don't worry that you will sound slangy or too casual because you most definitely won't. This is the way a professor lectures to a class, the way a national newscaster broadcasts, the way that is most comfortable and familiar to the majority of native speakers.不止中文有普通话,美语也普通话啊。本教程传授的是美国普通话,今天把文字版的pdf文件添加了书签,已上传至me...哈哈,楼主真是好心人,赞一个,共同努力.占位,学习中在学习了一段时间的英语后,有些战友会问:为什么我的发音显得很生硬,而电影里(尤其是美国大片)外国人说得很顺耳,是不是我的发音有问题啊,怎么解决呢?"Why Is My Accent So Bad?"Learners can be seriously hampered by a negative outlook, so I'll address this very important point early. First, your accent is not bad; it is nonstandard to the American ear(而且当和外国人交谈的时候,他只会注意到你谈的内容,而不是你的发音是否符合标准。). There is a joke that goes: What do you call a person who can speak three languages? Trilingual. What do you call a person who can speak two languages? Bilingual. What do you call a person who can only speak one language? American(会说英语的人可以和世界上超过50%的人交流).Every language is equally valid or good, so every accent is good. The average American, however,truly does have a hard time understanding a nonstandard accent. George Bernard Shaw said that the English and Americans are two people divided by the same language!Some students learn to overpronounce English because they naturally want to say the word as it is written(国人的通病). Too often an English teacher may allow this, perhaps thinking that colloquial American English is unsophisticated, unrefined, or even incorrect. Not so at all! Just as you don't say the T in listen, the TT in better is pronounced D, bedder(美语和英语发音的不同点之一). Any other pronunciation will sound foreign, strange, wrong, or different to a native speaker.语言无好坏之分,口音也是如此。只要学会美语的发音标准,勤加练习,和美国人沟通不成问题,而这就是本书的精华给大家举个例子:Bob is on the phone.如果大家把每一个单词的发音都读出来,就会出现下面的效果: screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" width=640 height=72 title="Click to view full Bob is on the phone.JPG (738 X 84)" border=0 align=absmiddle>而美语的读法是 screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" width=228 height=39 title="Click to view full Bob is on the phone1.JPG (228 X 39)" border=0 align=absmiddle>而且,当你想强调phone时,读法是这样的: screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" width=343 height=101 title="Click to view full Bob is on the phone强调.JPG (343 X 101)" border=0 align=absmiddle>上面的这个例子讲得是单词的连读和强调某一部分时的语调,后面的内容是大大的丰富啊。所以,要有耐心慢慢学啊。不要,要坚信‘道路是曲折(漫长)的,前途是光明的’,好东西,多谢了。这部教材很不错的!我刚听过CD1 Track1&2部分,朗读的那位女士的美音非常好听(fluent&fluid),很适合女孩子模仿哟!要是早些能见到这部教材教好了,那样自己学英语口语就不用走很多弯路,困惑良久了!我注意了一下这本书的Copyright是2000年的,现在却已经是2007年了,真是搞不懂教英语的老师们为什么从未推荐过这么实用的好教材,他们中既也有赴美留过学的青年人也有早期赴美的老教师,即便是美国本土来的老师也没能如此讲透发音精髓!(可能跟地区有关哈哈,不是是美国人就能当好口语老师的!)我真是觉得自己在校时都亏大了!哈哈!不过学习永远不晚嘛!最后要感谢楼主和linerzhiqiu两位好人,呵呵,你们辛苦了!feiyangcao wrote:这部教材很不错的!我刚听过CD1 Track1&2部分,朗读的那位女士的美音非常好听(fluent&fluid),很适合女孩子模仿哟!要是早些能见到这部教材教好了,那样自己学英语口语就不用走很多弯路,困惑良久了!我注意了一下这本书的Copyright是2000年的,现在却已经是2007年了,真是搞不懂教英语的老师们为什么从未推荐过这么实用的好教材,他们中既也有赴美留过学的青年人也有早期赴美的老教师,即便是美国本土来的老师也没能如此讲透发音精髓!(可能跟地区有关哈哈,不是是美国人就能当好口语老师的!)我真是觉得自己在校时都亏大了!哈哈!不过学习永远不晚嘛!最后要感谢楼主和linerzhiqiu两位好人,呵呵,你们辛苦了!您的回帖对我是最大的鼓励。最近忙于做课题,学习的有点慢,请见谅。有什么好的意见和建议,请不吝指教。跟读效果很好,自己可以很明显的体会到差距,最难能可贵的是语速、音调、连读还能跟着不知不觉的被熏陶!谢谢magiclyj战友!我把连读位置标注了一下,发现在助动词如will,have,连词that容易连读,最近在慢慢总结。希望对大家跟读练习有帮助。Can I Learn a New Accent?Can a person actually learn a new accent? Many people feel that after a certain age, it's just not possible. Can classical musicians play jazz? If they practice, of course they can!For your American accent, it's just a matter of learning and practicing techniques this book and CD set will teach you. It is up to you to use them or not. How well you do depends mainly on how open and willing you are to sounding different from the way you have sounded all your life.A very important thing you need to remember is that you can use your accent to say what you mean and how you mean it. Word stress conveys meaning through tone or feeling, which can be much more important than the actual words that you use. We'll cover the expression of these feelings through intonation in the first lesson.You may have noticed that I talk fast and often run my words together. You've probably heard enough "English-teacher English"—where ... everything ... is ... pronounced without having to listen too carefully. That's why on the CDs we're going to talk just like the native speakers that we are, in a normal conversational tone.Native speakers may often tell people who are learning English to "slow down" and to "speak clearly“. This is meant with the best of intentions, but it is exactly the opposite of what a student really needs to do. If you speak fairly quickly and with strong intonation, you will be understood more easily. To illustrate this point, you will hear a Vietnamese student, first trying to speak slowly and carefully and then repeating the same words quickly and with strong intonation. Studying, this exercise took her only about two minutes to practice,but the difference makes her sound as if she had been in America for many years.V Please listen. You will hear the same words twice. Hello, my name is Muoi. I'm taking American Accent Training.(注意两次的区别:前一次显得很生疏,单词基本是一个个读出来的:后一次比较fluent,仔细听单词间的连读。)You may have to listen to this CD a couple of times to catch everything. To help you, every word on the CD is also written in the book. By seeing and hearing simultaneously, you'll learn to reconcile the differences between the appearance of English (spelling) and the sound of English (pronunciation and the other aspects of accent).The CD leaves a rather short pause for you to repeat into. The point of this is to get you responding quickly and without spending too much time thinking about your response.American Accent Training迅雷下载>我为什么下载不了音频119-139为什么下载不了顶 ,好东东我也下不下来啊,求助
